The role of risk management continues to develop and expand, embracing complex, demanding, and at times unexpected challenges. We are committed to providing technical and management resources to specifically provide the highest level safety and risk management.
Allied Employer Group has adopted the insurance industry’s “Best Practices” in order to successfully control and reduce workers’ compensation costs.
The Best Business practices are those processes, systems, values, and programs a company employs to achieve profit while protecting its employees from work-related safety hazards. Allied Employer Group uses methods to communicate, manage, and reward employees that are directly related to good safety practices. The five business practices that are linked specifically to workers’ safety cost are management, supervisory, human resources, training, and injury management.
Allied Employer Group’s Safety Coordinator is responsible for identifying on-site safety, health hazards, safety training requirements, and for coordinating resources to correct those hazards. Resources available to the Safety Coordinator include the client owner and management, Allied Risk Management, Insurance Carrier Risk Management function, and other outsourced specialized resources as needed. Allied Employer Group has established a written, comprehensive Loss Prevention Plan that can be modified to each of its client work locations. This plan will include hazard identification, training requirements, on-site inspection requirements, accident/incident investigation procedures, and substance abuse policy.